Pool Care
Steps to be followed before adding any chemicals to the water WEEKLY.
Routine pool cleaning, includes back washing the pool filter. Pool filters use silica sand to filter and remove organic materials from your pool to keep the water clean. Back washing the swimming pool filter removes built up contaminates from the filter by reversing the flow of water through the filter and sending it to waste or out through a hose connected to the pump. Because back washing the filter removes water from your pool, always backwash your pool filter before adding chemicals.
Step 1: Set the Pump to Backwash
Include backwashing your pool filter either as part of your weekly pool maintenance. Before you change the setting on your pool pump, always turn off the pump first. Then, turn the handle on the pool pump to the backwash position. Once a week, or as often as needed, remove the clear lid from the filter and clean out the leaf basket. Rinse the basket and return it to the filter. Then, turn the pool pump on to begin back washing.
Step 2: Watch the Filter
Depending on your pump, back washing the pool filter takes 2 to 3 minutes to complete. Watch the pool filter through the clear lid or where the water exits. As the water flows backward through the filter, notice the particles swirling around. When the water inside the filter appears clear of particles, turn the pump off.
Step 3: Rinse the Filter
With the pool pump off, turn the handle to rinse. Turn the pump back on and rinse the swimming pool filter for about 30 to 45 seconds. Rinsing the filter sends clean water through the pipes to wash away any leftover particles and prevent them from returning to the pool. It also functions to settle the silica sand back to the bottom of the filter. After you rinse the filter, turn the pump off.
Step 4: Filter the Water
Now that you’ve back washed your swimming pool filter, turn the handle back to the filter position and turn the pool pump back on. Refill the pool to the proper level with fresh water and add any needed chemicals.
Chrystal Clear Results & Pump to Work Optimal:
Backwash the pool filter regularly to maintain peak functioning of your swimming pool filter and to keep your swimming pool clean. Back washing removes a small amount of water from the pool and should always be done before adding any chemicals. Turn off the pool pump in between each step and backwash the pool filter until the water swirling in the filter looks clean and free of particles through the lid. This usually takes 2 to 5 minutes to accomplish. Next, rinse the filter for 30 to 45 seconds to remove any stubborn particles from the pipes and to settle the sand inside the filter. Finally, turn the swimming pool pump back on and refill the water to the proper level.
No one likes the chore of pool service, but regular care keeps the water clean and balanced, and your equipment functioning properly. The good news is that pool maintenance is easier than ever, and should take no longer than a few minutes a week.
Please note: Computerized water testing is always available to all Marlin Pools customers.
There are five important areas of pool care. These include:
1. Water Conditioning 2. Mineral Control
3. Alkalinity Control 4. PH Control
5. Chlorine’s
Pool Tips
– Help conserve water by covering your pool with an evaporative pool cover whenever it’s not in use
– Conserve energy by turning down, or turning off, the heat when your pool will be unused for long periods of time
– Follow a regular preventative maintenance schedule to help eliminate costly repairs in the future
– Always ensure that your pool is clean enough to see the bottom of the deep end
– Reduce your chemical in winter when cooler pool temperatures mean that bacteria is growing at a slower rate.